Session Details:Transforming Duty of Care in the Education Sector In response to ever-evolving globalisation challenges, Columbia University has been one of the first universities to implement a comprehensive travel risk management program. Through case studies and best practices, learn how their internal policies and proactive programs are leading in the transformation of Duty of Care. About Tristan:Tristan Tafolla joined Columbia University in September 2016, in the newly minted position of Director, International Risk Management. There, he is responsible for developing the University’s policies and procedures attendant to international risk mitigation; coordinating and reviewing risk assessments for travel to high and extreme travel risk locations; and leading Columbia’s emergency management response to crisis involving Columbia travellers abroad. He joined Columbia after having served as a Special Agent/Assistant Regional Security Officer with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, where he was posted on long term assignments in Israel and the West Bank, Afghanistan, and Yemen. He has also served on short-term assignments to more than 25 countries.